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"Winter" A Pregression of my methods as I paint Winter.

By Jareth McBrehon

As I paint, I am in a state of constantly accenting strong shapes playing with depth. To me it feels very much like sculpting. I start out with a very vague idea, block it out with large rough shapes, and continue to push and pull the details as I work. As I continue to work, the details become finer and finer until I am looking at a finished piece of work.

This is my prosess.

2012 documentary of my development into a new style... "Goth Noir".

McBrehon Documentary 2012

Starting in 2012 I would head to the pub (dive 75 mostly) to practice an exercise I learned form art school. Using cool Grey Alcohol based markers I would quickly sketch out concept thumbnails. Eventually I recognized that I truly liked black and white images and working in depth over light.
Eventually I learned I preferred to work with Highlights over shadow and moved to white Ink onto black paper. I used beer in my new paintings and dubbed the new style "Goth Noir" because of the gothic images on the black paper.

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